Core Group Meeting
September 19, 2014
McDaniel College - Forum
8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Greetings and Introductions
9:15 a.m. NCTM and MCTM Updates – Skip and Beth
MCTM Annual Meeting – October 17, 2014; Baltimore City, Poly High School
- Maryland Outstanding Mathematics Educator of the Year Award – John SanGiovanni
- NCTM Regional Meeting – November 12-14, 2014; Richmond, VA
- NCTM Institutes – February, 2015 – Beth Kobett and John SanGiovanni
- LearnZillion Updates – Nick, Kelly, others?
- NCTM News and Updates – Jon Wray (electronically)
9:30 a.m. Coaching Mentoring Focus – Beth and Skip
- Point of View – Warm Up
- Point of View – CCSS-M Implementation
- Point of View - PARCC
- Students
- Teachers
- Parents/Families
- School Leaders
- News Media
10:30 a.m. BREAK
10:45 a.m. Principles to Actions – Considering the Mathematics Teaching Practices and Constructing your own
Look For’s for work with School-Based or Grade-Level Learning Communities – (Bring your copies of
Principles to Actions) Skip and Beth | PtA Teaching Practices Look For's
11:30 a.m. Special Guests
- Cindy Hasselbring – Special Assistant to the Maryland State Superintendent of Schools
- Brief introductions and discussion, sharing of responses to the following (Google Doc), shared, then sent to all:
- Identify one CCSS-M implementation strategy you have used that has made a difference (a real impact).
- What is your biggest challenge regarding CCSS-M Implementation?
- What resources are you using (for the most part) as your teachers implement the CCSS-M (consider the following: county-developed resources?; textbook-related materials?; teacher-created materials?)
- How are your teachers using technology in their teaching of mathematics AND other aspects of their implementation of the CCSS-M?
- Has the implementation of the CCSS-M changed the way your teachers teach mathematics? If so, how?
- Has implementation of the CCSS-M helped in supporting teachers to increase their collaboration with others? How so?
- Given your own CCSS-M implementation efforts and needs, what could MSDE do to support what you do?
- Is there something MSDE could do to help in your CCSS-M implementation that you can not do?
9. Do you have exemplary sites with regard to the CCSS-M implementation? (identify them)
10. Describe what you are doing relative to PARCC readiness.
12:00 p.m. WORKING LUNCH
1:30 p.m. PARCC Update – Kay B. Sammons, Howard County Public Schools
1:45 p.m. BREAK
2:00 p.m. Content and Pedagogical Conundrums…
What are you concerned about content-wise and/or pedagogically?
- Why?
- Need resources?
- Having trouble backmapping to prerequisite concepts and skills?
- Sharing
3:15 p.m. Final check in from last year – “over representation”
Important Dates:
- October 17, 2014 – MCTM Annual Conference - Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
- November 7, 2015 – ems&tl with Julie McNamara from Beyond Pizzas and Pies…
- January 9, 2015 – ems&tl meeting
- March, 2015 – unsure re: ems&tl due to PARCC
- April 13-18, 2015 – NCSM and NCTM Annual – Boston, MA
- May 28, 29, 2015 - Summer Institute Days (Principals in the AM – Day 2)
- Other dates?
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