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K-5 Math Teaching Resources Founder, Nicola Godwin
Yummy Math
Co-Founders, Brian Marks and Leslie Lewis
Dan Meyer - Former High School Teacher and PhD Student at Stanford University
Dan Meyer's 101 Questions
Dan Meyer's Three-Act Math Tasks
Dan Meyer's Algebra I Curriculum
Founder, Karim Kai Ani
Karim Kai Ani on Khan Academy
The Core Learning Community's Core Challenge
Co-Founders, Jon Wray, Bill Barnes, & James Marquis
UPDATE: http://staging.corechallenge.org/learningobjects/9797
Livebinder: Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
Founder: Danielle Siebold
Not in the Grassroots (or even "Viral" yet)... But What Are Other States Doing RIGHT NOW? (The View From 35,000 Feet or "Cruising Altitude")
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